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Sunday, June 11, 2006

VERMIN, in children's heads, to destroy

Take 1 oz. each of vinegar and staveacre, 1/2 oz. honey, do. sulphur and 2 ozs. of sweet oil. Make into a liniment and rub the head with it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Nine parts of well-dried and finely powdered chlorate of potash, mixed with three parts of finely powdered galls, will make a highly explosive compound. Do not mix it in a mortar, as it would explode, but by means of passing through a brass sieve. The strength of common gunpowder may be increased by working up with the powdered meal about 12 per cent. of powdered galls, and regranulating it.

...for all you want to know.

Monday, June 05, 2006

RABBIT, an English

Toast a slice of bread brown on both sides ; then lay it on a plate, pour a glass of port wine over it; then cut some cheese thing, and lay it thick over the bread; put it into a Dutch oven before the fire to brown. Serve it hot.

...for all you want to know.

RABBITS, to choose

An old rabbit has very long and rough claws, and gray hairs intermixed with the wool. If young, the claws and wool are smooth; if stale it will be flexible, and the flesh will be bluish, having a kind of slime upon it; but if fresh, the flesh will be white and dry.

...for all you want to know.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

SUCKING PIG, to roast

Get it when just killed; this is of great advantage. Let it be scalded. Put some sage, crumbs of bread, salt and pepper, into the belly, and sew it up. Observe to skewer the legs back or the under part will not crisp. Lay it to a brisk fire till dry; then rub the pig with butter in every part. Dredge flour over it; scrape off the flour with a blunt knife, rub it well with a buttered cloth, and take off the head while at the fire. Then take it up, cut it down the back and belly, lay it into the dish, and chop quickly the sage and bread very fine, and mix plenty of melted butter and a little flour. Put the sauce into the dish after the pig has been split down the back, and garnished with the ears and two jaws. Many now serve a sucking pig whole. Put the gravy into the sauce; and garnish with lemon or bread sauce and currants.

...for all you want to know.